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Your DIY retreat

Looking to create your own reading retreat? We're here to help. When you attend one of our retreats, the intention is to create time and space for you to reconnect with reading, away from your day-to-day life. With a few tips and tricks, we can help you create something magical in your own home, in a hotel or Airbnb, solo or with a special person or special people to share it with.


Set your retreat length.

Our retreats run from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, overall, the time is yours to enjoy with the days punctuated by meals, snacks and of course, reading. Setting the time limit of your retreat in advance will ensure you make the most of your own DIY retreat. Perhaps just a day, perhaps like us, a long weekend, just make sure you've set that out for yourself.


Plan your menu and stack the fridge!

Prepare your fridge and cupboards. Your time on your DIY retreat is yours to enjoy, and if you enjoy cooking a meal by all means include that as part of your schedule. However, preparing and cooking every meal takes time, time you could be reading so we suggest planning your menu in advance and stocking the fridge and cupboards so you can easily reach in and grab what you want without thinking about it.

Set a schedule

It sounds like bliss, a full weekend away reading to your hearts content! But quickly you may find that without a schedule you might find yourself doing things other than reading. The best way to avoid this is by setting yourself or your group a schedule. Think about breaking up the day, you probably have more than one book you want to read, you possibly have more than one format (paperback, audiobook, kindle), you may like to include a walk or some time to explore the town you're in, perhaps even the local bookstore! Making a plan will help you feel as though you've spent your retreat well. Even if you don't stick to it all the time.


Choose your books

The most important thing! The best advice we can give is to not limit yourself to one book, have a variety of options, but decide on them before your retreat.


Leave your home (if you can)

If you can, retreat at someplace away from your own home.. The last thing you want to be doing on your retreat is thinking about chores or god forbid, doing chores. If you're planning to retreat at home, make sure you're able to switch off from all the house stuff and stick to your schedule.


Treat yourself!

We offer a range of options for DIY retreats to really make it special.  Hit the button below to see the options which includes reading prescriptions, book packs and gift bags.

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